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Client sided questionnaire- Homework Task

Tara Thorpe

This task has enabled us to understand how us develop our understanding of user and purpose.

Below is a questionnaire where I take on the role of my client (A charity), I chose a charity because I want my design to bring community change so would work with the kind of briefs I am writing, a charity would come to me as a designer and ask me to create something to improve problems the charity users are currently facing.

As a designer you would send questionnaires out and give to clients as clients will not always come to you with a resolved design brief. A questionnaire like the one below can both inform me as a designer and help a client to consolidate their thoughts about the design they are commissioning.

This task of me answering the questionnaire as my client is a useful way of helping me to focus on what information you need to draw out from a client in order to create more effective designs.

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