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  • Tara Thorpe

Observe, Record, Observe

Tea For One Pot !

You may have noticed my logo at the top of this page. It may sound very stereotypically English but i'm a big lover of Tea...When we were asked to think about a product to observe user interactions/relationships with a designed item, I thought about something I use everyday as a starting point of what to explore further and understand the physical interactions of the designed item and the context behind the design. Who, what, when, where, how and why?

The first thing I did is one of my favourite things... visit lots of coffee shops and observe how tea for one is approached and used by different members of the public. I of course had to get one too to help my observations and really understand how this design works.

These are the observations I made from sitting in various cafe's and really helped me understand how a simple tea pot design means so much more to the user...

This the 2D graphic to show all the observations I noticed during the whole user experience process...

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