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  • Tara Thorpe

Change can be difficult...

I have just read through various posts from RSA who as a network aim to unite people and ideas and resolve the challenges of our time...

They were very informing and was a starting point for me to understand how design has already communities all over the world to gain some valuable knowledge and inspiration.

After reading through the articles and ideas I noticed that there was a common theme throughout. We need to move with the world and 'refashion society' and innovation will change the way we live.

As a designer I agree that more then ever designs and systems need to be completely rethought and layering innovations on pre existing systems prevents change. New innovation will bring positive changes to society however change is difficult.

Many people in society love routine including myself. We all have our daily habits which keeps on days moving forwards and especially after the pandemic a lot of people more then ever struggled with life being so uncertain and have now got there day to day lives down to a T.

This passing thought got me thinking designers are always bringing change and new thoughts and processes to improve the existing ways. However how do we bring change into the already confusing world? How do we add more changes to peoples lives who are set in there routine and will struggle to change this behaviour? Change has been very upsetting to many over the last couple of years, and before I start proposing solutions to bring forth the greater good, I would like to understand how I could incorporate this change into users lives. Although it must be noted that this process must not just overnight flip an individuals lifestyles, because I believe that the design will be more beneficial if I understand how the behavioural changes will work. Even the smallest of tweaks may not seem like an improvement to the user at first as they are used to knowing they're routines and setups.


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