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  • Tara Thorpe

Change of Thought...

My recent essay I wrote about how I had become more aware of the late diagnosis of hidden disabilities. So many people with hidden disabilities get diagnosed in adulthood, especially girls, and this is an area where I think there is a real need for support. I personally was not diagnosed until I was 18 and I struggled in school and often felt inadequate. Had I been diagnosed earlier, my life and childhood could have been easier. Late diagnosis of an adult’s hidden disabilities is problematic; individuals think something is wrong with them, when in fact they have just not got the support they need to navigate the world. I thought I had completely decided that this was going to be a community I was going to explore further and my final project was opening up new avenues.

However I kept on being drawn back to my original idea...

One idea I had was around female safety. I do not go out as much as I did in year one and there is a massive problem currently with spiking in clubs, but it is not just on nights out where girls feel unsafe just living their day to day lives they constantly look over the shoulder to ensure they are ok. I feel there are products and systems put in place that could make girls feel safer.

I originally wrote a post about why I wasn't going to look further into the current problems around this situation...

" I would love to potentially in the future be part of this solution and help women all over the world however after writing this post I think I am too upset about the situation and believe as a designer I wouldn't be able too sit back and look at the problem as a whole and get too caught up in peoples emotions. It is also a topic which worries me a-lot and whilst still living in a city where I don't know many people I want to be aware of the current situation and educate myself on new ways to ensure safety. Although I do not consider thinking about this topic everyday would be good for me as I struggle to shut off and would constantly be worried, so think another community may be better for me to explore further into my masters"

As a designer you need to believe in your project and be able to put your all in to design and creating a better way. I keep thinking that the problem is here and now and it's not going anywhere. I could really make a difference and help people all over the world 'reclaim the night' and this is the topic i want to being forwards into my MA as i have the luxury of having a year of constant support and guidance to really create a solution which could make a difference.


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