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Final Brand Name

Tara Thorpe

How did I come up with Sólás...

I was looking for something sharp and Snappy but did want the word safe, secure, check- It felt a bit too official and i saw this App as a companion, always knowing someone has your back. The words i had previously come up with just weren't sounding right and weren't quite right.

When I was speaking to Mike about my name he was suggesting just coming up with a word which works, it doesn't need to always explain what the App is doing could just be a cool word which users just know the link of the word and what it does. We were talking about the App Strava. We all know that its a fitness based App. However after some further looking Strava means Stride in Latin which has a small link however you woukldn't know if you didn't research it.

I then started exploring the word Solace- Which i believe really explains this project to a T.

I then started looking at the word in different languages, i really liked the ring of this brand name and thought the meaning behind it.

I then had a look a the Irish translation. I wanted to connect the word to me as I am originally creating this because as a female I believe we need to gain our confidence of going out and reclaiming back the night. I am very proud of my Irish roots so thought this would be a lovely subtle link.

Another little meaning behind the brand is without the Fadas, Solas in Irish means 'Light'. Meaning there is light within the brand which is exactly the man principle of this project, making women feel safer and making the streets a safer place especially in the Dark. Sólás is brining light to peoples daily lives.



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