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Guest Speaker- Micaiah Dring

Tara Thorpe

I really enjoyed these networking events put on as part of our MA course to find out more about what its like working in different creative industries and there advice when working in different working environments. I have done a small post for each speaker about the main parts which stuck with me during the Thursday afternoons.

Micaiah Dring s producer/project manager on big budget film projects visited us and spoke about her various job roles are was very interesting to hear about how she got into the creative industry as often getting within the network and making yourself known is the most difficult part of the process.

As part of the afternoon we did the 4 tendencies quiz which I found really beneficial to really understand how our brain and personalities work. I actually sent this quiz on to a lot of my friends and family and we all loved talking about how our different personality types work well together depending on the environment, connection and friendship. This quiz is a great talking point and a good way to get know people.

When I did the quiz myself I best describe my personality is...

When my boyfriend answered the quiz about me he best describe my personality as...

I thought it was really interesting because i think i am a very good mix of both these personalties and that I answered it differently to an outsider. I really enjoyed understanding more about my brain and who I am as a person.


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