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How can I help ?

Tara Thorpe

I repeatedly mention in previous posts about how users of at the forefront of my design journey and development. I would like to find/ be part of a community to see how design could help to make their everyday lives easier.

In my portfolio, on this site, I have started to explore what other people have done to help different communities all around the world and make a difference. Small and big changes have been created to improve education, loneliness, healthcare, communication and the environment. This is a small list of subjects where work is already currently being done to help society become a better place. These are topics are from articles I took a particular interest in and potentially would like to ask further questions about the problems these various communities face.

I feel like I am at a bit of a brain block with where to proceed, how to continue exploring and question current systems/ services in place which could be redesigned/ added to make better. I have decided to write a list of questions to myself to help expand my thinking and continue further into this project as I believe if I found a group I was interested in and they were interested in the potential work I could develop for them, there would be engagement, conversation and ideas coming from all angles so believe I would get more of a direction on where to go and further/ specialise my research.

How do I want to help?- Product/ Service/ HyBrid solution/ Business plan

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