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Past Projects

Tara Thorpe

These following projects are some of my favorite I have worked on over the past few years. They all have a very strong community feel which I find as a topic very interesting. I love exploring and understanding a users life and personally feel that is the most important part of the design journey, understanding the user group and ensuring the design fits there requirements. I spend a lot of time in the initial stages talking to users as my project always develops better and has a more positive outcome if those initial relationships are made are made at the start.

Campus swap shop - Exploring how as a university community we could live a more sustainable life and shop more efficiently. This project was the start to understanding my love for user experience design and all my other projects have been inspired from this. My dissertation project was also inspired by the project and looked at the barrier users find when shopping sustainably.

An Invisible Friend - Exploring the barriers refugees and asylum seekers experience when seeking medical help. This project particularly focused on the language barriers between GPs and users to understand the problems they face. A hybrid solution was created to make it a smoother process for all.

A Distributed Brain - A project exploring at how children under the age of 5 living in developing countries can access a better education. I created a hybrid solution where i looked at the skills we had learnt through online education during the pandemic to see if this way of learning could be developed to help students all over the world.

Moving forwards into my masters I would like to bring this community social justice theme, carrying on to explore how design can help find solutions to real world problems affecting large communities all over the world. Thinking about the user group and end user needs in always at the forefront of all my decisions, I would potentially like to create a co-design project where I am designing a service alongside the user group and meet regularly, this would be a good experience and would ensure my main design aim is met.


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