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Tara Thorpe

Last week we had a PechaKucha afternoon, It stands for 'chit chat' in Japanese and is a storytelling format where the presenter has 20 slides/ images and the slides automatically roll on to next one after 20 seconds. Keeping the presentation concise and is a great way to show off your personal work.

I really enjoyed the afternoon, it felt a bit like an open mic night and was a great way to get to know the rest of the MA group. This is my presentation showing a little bit about me, my design work in the past and potential research focuses for my final major project...

My Favourite place to eat is Wagamamas, I could eat there for breakfast, lunch and dinner and never get bored of it. I don't have a favourite dish I just love too many.

Caffe Nero, I could sit in there all day as it one of the places I find calmest in the world, I love the atmosphere and O2 give a free drink once a week which is a bonus.

This is an activity which is quite a new thing i've started. Hot pod yoga, the most relaxing activity which I really enjoy and resets me for the week. It's a very fun environment and one I can't do without now i've found this unique experience.

I love cats, sorry for all you dog lovers but i am very much a cat lover... Featuring Poppy!

Gavin and Stacey- My guilty pleasure, I couldn't tell you how many times I have rewatched all the series and it's always on in the background. Pam is by far my favourite character.

So that's a little bit more about me, moving on to my work and a little bit about my design work in the past. My projects have been very research based and is what I enjoy the most during the design process.

The projects have been very innovative and futuristic- Design should always be thinking about the future and how it will impact future generations.

My projects have had a strong social justice theme. Focusing and understanding how users lives can be made easier to make society better.

Sustainability has been the forefront of my designs understanding how we can improve our eco footprint. My dissertation focused on how sustainable fashion can become more accessible.

Moving forwards and looking into how to move my design work forwards and some research focus ideas.

I want to design something which helps real world issues and try to make the world a better place.

I would like to do some further research and find a group/ community and really focus and understand their needs.

Understanding the user is the most important part of the design process to me. During my design work I want ensure I really understand the communities concerns and how design could help.

I want to improve the lives of this group and find a solution- The next couple of weeks i'm going to be updating this blog with lots more research/ articles to try and find the community where design and innovation could help them.

Finding a solution is the main goal and help solve a current world issue.

My final major project will have people/ users at the core of all my thinking/ development.

I would like to enable my project to be inclusive and to reach many users all over the world, a cultural side to my project will ensure the solution will meet many users.

An improvement I would like to focus on this year is how I communicate my ideas, I have lots of thoughts and ideas but often struggle to get what's in brain on to paper, this blog is already helping achieve this goal.

Overall my final major project will create a circular system which can happen easily with little assistance from start to end again and again.

I am so glad I got a chance to do this presentation as its given me a starting point to where I would like to go and made me realise what I enjoy when creating ideas. This post will always be here for me to refer back to, ensuring when i'm designing a service my most important aims are met.


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