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RSA Loneliness Brief- Studio task

Tara Thorpe

This exercise all about understanding a brief and really understanding what the main aim of the project is and what aim needs to be met to help the existing problem.

I actually really enjoyed this task and thought it was really interesting to read through a whole page of points and findings and explaining what its saying in 2 words, really getting to the nitty gritty of a problem and understanding what the users really needs to improve there day to day lives.

- Below images show me highlighting to pick out all the important points of the brief.

- I then cut the points in half to understand really what they wanted.

- Then wrote the brief in 16 words, then 8, then 4 and finally sum the brief up and what there asking of you as designer into 2 words!

I sadly couldn't make the lecture that week so missed the group task of coming up with ideas and solutions in response to this brief. However i had a little thing myself and this is what I came up with when sitting down and getting all my thinking on too paper.

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