What an very tiring but amazing day!
I would like to say a massive Thank you to @RoKellyActor for her amazing acting skills and giving up a whole day to visit to various shoot locations all over Lincoln to make this video as authentic and realistic as possible.
@CanvasHunter (Zach) for helping me with the video and using the camera equipment, I wouldn't have know where to start and I hope you can see further down the line how amazing the shots are which really brings to project together.
I couldn't not make a special mention to my Dad who also features. It was really important to me to make this video realistic and show users really how it could help them in lives. If this App was ever made live my Dad would always been the one on other end of the phone making sure I was safe so felt very fitting for him to have a part in the production.
And it's a wrap... Now on to the editing!