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  • Tara Thorpe

The thinking behind the campaigns...

Images and video of RO and campaigns

As part of my proposal form I said i wanted to create campaigns to go alongside my App to inform and make people more aware of the current issues and what changes need to be made.

I had considered a variety of media e.g leaflets, magazine articles.

Looking back at past posts, ' how to get peoples attention'

The thing i have noticed when thinking about this problem was stickers mostly in female toilets. I decided to go with this as a media and explore further.

This means the campaign's are reaching the right user group. I decided to make really funky and stickers with strong messages which stand out so users can notice them and the messages on them wold make them think and want to know more.

I was so happy with these and are exactly the look and feel i was going for. From speaking to other females the first thing they all said was you would notice them and believe the messages would make people think which i believe is the main goals of campaigns.

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