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What makes people feel empowered ?_ _ _

Tara Thorpe

Updated: Sep 4, 2022

A question which I asked myself during a tutorial meeting, I would love my project to make people with a particular focus around women, feel more empowered in society.

A good starting point I believe is to understand how people feel more empowered in there lives and how self empowerment can bring positivity to people and society.

I read some blog posts to understand how people feel when they build self empowerment to their lives and how small changes and daily habits can make a massive difference for the better.

Swipe through to see my initial thinking when reading through these blog posts...

My main findings and the key points which got me thinking and are going to help me further develop this project...

- After reading through these articles the first thing which came to mind was that all the points around how to feel more self empowered, however nothing about safety was talked about... Is safety a hidden issue?... Why are people not talking about this?

- Lots of the tips and tricks to love a more empowered life are when your in the comfort of your living space, what about when your out and about?

'Taking care of yourself almost guarantees that you can show up more fully in your life'

- I really like this approach at looking at a very sensitive and triggering topic and trying to flip it round and think about some more proactive approaches to try and make females feel safer when out and about then the more reactive advice currently which has been given out.

- Feeling un-empowered can make people feel they have no control over there lives making them feel overwhelmed and hopeless. Powerlessness can be immensely frustrating but there are always choices that can bring back control- My aim is to bring that choice when approaching the project

- Bringing empowerment to peoples lives means they are taking control of their own life and making positive decisions based on what they want this can bring a whole new confidence and makes them a master of their own destiny.

- True empowerment comes when you convert intention into action- This is a great approach to bring forwards into my project.

- 'When you're in your element, your positive energy rises'- Could there be away to bring regular habits/daily rituals to bring positive empowerment to women walking alone?

- Self empowered people take control of their lives and take actionable/Proactive steps- Love how the world 'actionable and Proactive' is used to show how to truly feel empowered in your day to day life.

- People who believe they control their own destiny- rather then giving into external concepts such as fate, luck or circumstances- are more likely to take charge of their own future- However the current advice given to females surrounding there safety does give into the external concepts approach

- A blog post asked 20 women what makes them feel empowered... the answers are really interesting and I picked out a few which made me think the most and would link the lost to my MA final project.

- "Empowering women is key to building the future we want"- Amartya Sen

- "When my presence in a room does not resolve around the fact I am a women, but rather, around what I can bring to the table as a human"- Vanessa, 20

- "When I take care of myself, physically and mentally"- Libby, 21

- "When i'm with other confident women"- Vanessa, 22

- " When I feel like my appearance is not viewed as my sole attribute and I am treated like an actual person as opposed to potential object of desire"- Emma, 21

I really liked the final article because of the personal approach, made it feel very real and enables you to understand first hand opinions and thoughts. The thing which stood out to me the most is that the article asked women aged from 18-75 and the ones I picked as thought they would best help move me forwards into further development were all in there early twenties. Showing that my initial thoughts around focussing this project to young females would be very beneficial and finding a solution will help lots of other women feel more empowered within society.

This was a really interesting post to research and write, This approach at trying to find a solution to make women feel more in control and find a way for them to make proactive habits could be really helpful and is definitely something I would like to develop further.




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