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Why does society continue to be reactive instead of proactive?***

Tara Thorpe

Updated: Sep 4, 2022

A thought which came to my mind after doing initial research and creating a brief in my mind. Why do we constantly create design reacting to a situation or problem instead of trying to create design to change for the better...

This article is a great read and has answered and clarified my thinking further...

- We have become a reactive nation instead of being a proactive and predictive nation. We always wait for people to be disappointed hurt, destroyed, killed, badmouthed and victimised first, before we can take action and unfortunately this reactive approach can be very expensive and hard to repair.

- There is so much that we can avoid if we learn to be proactive in our day-to-day approach.

* Bringing in day to day habits will make us more proactive and stop problems occurring in the first place*

- Same applies to our government, StatsSA produces Household Stats every quarter, instead of the government considering those numbers and putting corrective measures in advance they wait until the community goes on protests and vandalises properties. This will take the government another 5 years to recover and it will cost the government even more. I am not encouraging vandalism of property and it is condemned in the strongest possible terms, however our government needs to put proactive measures in place to deal or prevent this from happening.

- Same applies to a car driver. Instead of changing the old tyres on time, he waits until he gets a puncture which can possibly lead to an accident. We would definitely have few road accidents only if we stop being reactive... We really don't have to die first to realise that the brake pads needed to be replaced.

*The money that goes to the road accident fund could be channelled to other public services such as water, reconstruction of roads, building new schools and libraries*

- This applies to most companies at large. Companies start to work harder and ensure that the house is in order only when they know that audits or inspections are two weeks away. This puts the stuff under pressure to swallow more than what they can chew within a short space of time.

This tendency is nationwide and we need to start doing something about our lives in order to become a better society. There's more we can save if we become more proactive than being reactive.

As a designer this is my aim to change. I want to create better solutions instead of adding to already failing system and thinking.


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